Lipodissolve is a non-surgical procedure that involves injecting a unique compound under the skin to dissolve fat. With minimal downtime and mild discomfort, this is an excellent alternative for those patients seeking a minimally invasive technique to improve their body contour.

The compound used for dissolving the fat is Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and is being used in an “off label” use and is not approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Localized injections of phosphatidylcholine (PC) with deoxycholate (DC) to reduce superficial deposits of fat have gained popularity in the United States since the turn of the century. Initially, different practitioners added multiple other ingredients, including L-carnitine, aminophylline, collagenase, various vasodilators, and hyaluronidase. A standard formula with PC and DC as essential ingredients was then introduced in Europe and adopted by the American Society of Aesthetic LipoDissolve (ASAL) in the United States around 2004. Since then, several hundred physicians in the United States have treated thousands of patients.

The mechanism of action of the mixture is similar to that of bile, wherein DC (a bile salt) breaks down the ingested fat cells, and PC assists the digestion and drainage of released fat,1 but mostly protects the neighboring mucosa from the corrosive action of DC.2–4 It has been shown that when injected in subcutaneous fat, DC alone leads to adipocyte death5; however, there is less pain, bruising, and induration when combined with PC.6 Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are slowly removed by the macrophages (foam cells) in the concomitant inflammatory response,7 resulting in fat reduction in the treated area, while at the same time newly laid down collagen tightens the overlying skin. 

Lipodissolve may be performed in different areas of the body, usually at least 3 treatments are recommended every 4-6 weeks apart to achieve better results.  The following are recommended treatments per area.

***Individual results will vary based on treatment area, amount of fat to be dissolved and post care, diet, exercise, and hydration. 

•       Chin & Jowels – 1 area (1-3 or more Treatments)

•       Arms – 1 area (2-5 Treatments)

•       Armpit flank – 1 area (2-5 Treatments)

•       Buffalo Hump – ½ area (2-5 Treatments)

•       Abdomen – 1-1 ½ areas (3-8 Treatments)

•       Bra Bulge area– ½ to 1 area (2-5 Treatments)

•       Flanks– 1 area (2-3 Treatments)

•       Love Handles– ½ to 1 area (2-5 Treatments)

•       Hips– ½ to 1 area (2-5 Treatments)

•       Thighs (Fat)– 1-2 areas (2-5 Treatments)

•       Saddlebags– 1-1 ½ areas (2-3 Treatments)